Saturday, August 24, 2013

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Hi everyone,

I finally got our 4th grade webpage up and running. This will be a great place to find upcoming events as well as any assignments or information you might need.

I am very excited about this school year and can't wait for more adventures together.
For those of you who wish to volunteer in the classroom, I will be sending links to sign up to volunteer in the classroom. Please make sure you have an updated background check (within the last 2 years) in order share time in our classroom with us. Email me if you have any questions about obtaining one.

Ms. Kate Seeley

                    Social Studies: Guatemalan mask representing characteristics about ourselves.

Links to volunteering in the classroom:

Please click here: to sign up for Read Aloud
Please click here: to sign up for Busy Work
Please click here: to sign up for One-on-one Reading
Please click here: to sign up for Library